Monday, July 28, 2008

End Of An Era

A full house for the final worship service on Old Clyde Road

Sunday, July 27, 2008 marked the final worship service at our building on Old Clyde Road. It was a time for reminiscing, and for thanking God for all his blessing on this local body since its formation in 1938. Keeping with the significance of the occasion, Pastor Alan preached a sermon titled "Looking Back" from Deuteronomy 8. It was a day that brought out a range of emotions among the congregation as we considered our church's past, and looked forward with excitement towards its future. (Click on photos to enlarge.)

Pastor Timmy and Banjo give the children's sermon

Pastor Alan preaches with a 55 gallon drum for a pulpit, which is what Woodland's first pastor had to use back in 1938.

Amber Rhinehart sings "Praise the King"

Worshipers exit for the final time

1 comment:

photowannabe said...

Thrilled to see your final Sunday and look forward to starting a new era. Blessings on all of you.