Tuesday, July 17, 2007

More Dirty Deeds At The New Church Site

Yes, more dirt for Woodland! This time they're filling in the area that will be the parking lot for the new building.

Before the 4th of July celebration and dedication ceremony, many people had commented on how small the area for the new building looked from the road. It hardly seemed big enough for the size building we were envisioning. But after folks actually got to go on the property and walk around on it, they saw how large an area it really is. The area being filled now for the parking lot will make it even bigger. And there will still be some space behind the new building to allow for further expansion in the future. Buying this piece of property will prove to be a wise choice for many years to come.

Saturday, July 07, 2007

First Church Function On New Property

Woodland held it's first official function at its future location on Crabtree Rd., a 4th of July celebration and dedication of the new property. Since the new location is an ideal spot to watch the annual fireworks show put on by Lake Junaluska Assembly, it was decided that this would be a good time to gather everyone together to dedicate the new property, and also enjoy a little food and fun for Independence Day.

Athletes in action?

For now, lots of room for games at the new property.

At Woodland, we love to eat!

Gospel singing mountain style.

Pastor Alan preaching during the dedication ceremony.

Monday, July 02, 2007

Another Sign Of Growth

A growing church needs a growing group of servant leaders. Welcome our newest deacon, Scott Sluder! (Click on photo to enlarge.)