Sunday, December 24, 2006

Merry Christmas Everybody!

Merry Christmas to all from the gang at Woodland Builds!

Monday, December 11, 2006

What we're hoping to see this week . . .

Experts at blogging say you have to post at least 3-4 times per week to keep your audience interested and coming back. The problem has been that there hasn't been anything going on to photograph lately. Oh, there's been plenty going on. The Design Committee has been selected, permits have been applied for, talks with real estate agents and bankers - a lot of "behind the scenes" type stuff that is necessary and important, but doesn't make for much photographic interest. (Seen any permit photos lately? Boooring!) So, I've posted an artist's conception of what it should look like when the dump trucks finally start rolling in, hopefully sometime this week. Photos of the real thing should appear soon, I hope.

Meanwhile, keep praying for the Buildings & Grounds, and Design Committees, and for Woodland's pastors and deacons. They're working hard, and the photographic evidence should start appearing soon!

Friday, November 24, 2006

I've seen a sign!

Last Tuesday, while driving down Crabtree Road, I saw that a sign had been put up announcing the future location of Woodland Baptist Church. Now remember, in Scripture, signs and wonders seem to go together. So keep an eye out for what wonders begin to take place in the coming months behind this sign!

Monday, November 20, 2006

Pressing On

The vote has been taken. The decision has been made. The committees are being formed. Soon the first phase of the actual construction will start. We're all a little anxious to see something actually start taking place on Crabtree Road, even if it's just that first truck load of fill dirt being dumped.

As with any construction project, much preparation has to be done before that first dump truck shows up. Woodland's leadership, and the committees elected to guide this project, are at work now. Last week, meetings were held with bankers and real estate agents to discuss marketing our current church property. Many things such as this will be taking place behind the scenes before we start to see a building begin to take shape. While we're waiting for that first dump truck to arrive, what can the rest of us do?

Pray! And keep praying. Pray for our church's leadership. Pray that God will give them the special wisdom they need at this time. Pray that they will be able to balance the demands on their time of a building project and their normal ministry responsibilities.

Pray for the committees who are meeting to plan the work that is about to begin. Pray that they will make wise choices on our church's behalf. Pray that all of us will be supportive and encouraging of their hard work and decision making.

Finally, pray that our entire church will remain enthusiastic and committed for the duration of the project. After the initial excitement about the new building subsides, much work and sacrifice will still be required by all of us. Progress may seem slow at times. There may be occasional weather related delays in the construction. Financial goals may look intimidating. However, we must keep our eyes focused on the goal that God has set before us. We must remain committed to pressing on even when the work is hard and the progress seems slow. We must keep in mind God's promises to provide everything we need to do what He's called us to do.

Progress we can see will be coming soon. Until then, keep praying. And be determined to keep pressing on.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

What do you see?

To most folks driving up and down Crabtree Road, this driving range probably doesn't get much notice. It's been there long enough now that it's become just another part of the background as people head to wherever they're going.

The driving range will probably attract the attention of golfers for a moment. They might look to see how busy it is right now, make a mental note of when it's open, and think about how they need to get in some practice one of these days.

To those of us who attend Woodland Baptist Church, however, this driving range now has our attention every time we drive by. It's got our attention because we see something else there, something not everyone else can see, at least not yet.

Look closely at the photo. Can you see it? Can you see a large, new building filled with worshippers of the Lord Jesus Christ? Can you see the classrooms active with boys, girls, men, and women as they study the Scriptures, learning more about their faith, their God, and how to love and serve Him better? Can you see the fellowship hall filled with Christians enjoying a meal, and rejoicing in the fellowship they share in Jesus Christ? Can you see different groups meeting to plan strategies on how to share the love of God with Haywood county and the world through evangelism, and other ministry projects? If you look closely, all these things and more should be plainly visible. No, it's not trick photography, it's just learning to see with the eyes of faith.

Can you see it yet?

"We live by faith, not by sight" 2 Corinthians 5:7

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Now, the real work begins . . .

That was pastor Alan Davis' remark after he announced the congregation's approval of a plan to purchase property and build a new facility on Crabtree Road. The recommendation to build was approved by 80% of those voting on Sunday, November 5, 2006. It was a historic moment for our church as we voted to step out on faith, and build a facility that will allow us to continue to grow and expand God's kingdom in Haywood county. An important decision, but as Pastor Alan stated, only a beginning.

Now, much work will need to be done by all of Woodland's members. Much planning and decision making is still ahead. Sacrifice will be required by all. We will all be asked to give of our time, talents, and finances. It will prove to be a time of testing for our church, but it is the kind of testing that can strengthen our faith, both as individuals, and as a church. If we walk by faith, we will come through the coming months not only with a new church building, but with a stronger, closer church.

Monday, October 23, 2006


The questions got a little tougher at the second Q&A session concerning the proposal for building a new church facility. There were the usual questions about how we're going to pay for this project, but this week there were more questions about the specifics of the building itself. The architectural style of the sample drawing was the subject of one of the first questions. Modern or traditional style? Do we choose beauty over efficent use of space? Should the church building design emphasize being a functional meeting place for believers, or should the design itself make a statement of our view of God? These are questions that congregations around the world have debated for centuries, and Woodland will eventually have to work these out too.

There were a few other questions about how the building would look, and how space would be utilized. Most of these details will have to be discussed and decided after we decide to go ahead with the project. There's no use in debating the color of the carpet now. The question at hand is, "Does God want us to build a new facility so that we can continue to expand His kingdom in Haywood county?" Until we discern His will on that issue, questions of design and decorating are moot.

There are already some differences of opinion on what the building should finally look like, but the discussion remained friendly and cordial throughout the evening. That's a good sign. We'll all probably have to compromise some on our preferences, especially as they pertain to how the building looks, and how it will be decorated. Our church is very diverse in age, education, and background, and all those things influence our choices. However, at this time in our church's history, what we need most is unity of purpose. We can debate about the architectural style or the furnishings, but we need to be solidly together on the conviction that God wants us to grow, build, and expand.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Face The Congregation

Two weeks ago, Ryan Campbell of the Feasibility Team presented their findings on investigating our options for expansion. After looking into several possibilities, their recommendation was to purchase a new property near the intersection of Crabtree Rd. and Old Clyde Rd., and build a new facility there. A packet of information detailing their findings was given to each family in the church, and members were asked to examine the information, pray for a discernment of God's will, and write down any questions they had. Two church business meetings were scheduled on consecutive Sunday evenings for those questions to be presented to the Building and Grounds committee, who is now overseeing the process. The first of those meetings was last night.

The meeting was well attended, and some very good questions were asked. The overall mood seemed to be very positive, although there seems to be a bit of trepidation about costs by some. That is to be expected on a project of this size, and is why the church was asked to be in prayer about this proposal for 40 days before voting on it. If it is determined that it is God's will that we move forward with this project, God will provide what we need to do it. This must be a faith project.

These two photos show the good crowd in attendance, and Pastor Alan and the Building and Grounds committee poised to field questions. (Click on photos to see a larger version.) It also illustrates yet another reason to build a new facility: the lighting in the current sanctuary is AWFUL. From a photographic standpoint, it is extremely dim, and has too many sources. It has a combination of incandescent, florescent, and daylight filtered through colored glass. Try taking a color photo in that mess! That's why I shot in B&W. Most people probably don't care about that, but nonetheless, the current sanctuary is just a very poorly lit space. The new building will certainly have a better quantity and quality of lighting, even if you're not a photographer.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006


Our church is in the initial stages of planning for a new facility. We have outgrown our current facility on Old Clyde Rd., and a committee was formed to look into the costs and options for expansion. They have finished their work, and will soon be presenting their findings to the church. Personally, I hope the church will agree that it's time to re-locate into a new facility. The costs will be a challenge, but if we are convinced that it is God's plan for Woodland to take this project on, we must step out on faith and do it.

On this photo blog, I plan to document the progress of the new construction in photographs from start to finish. I hope the photos I compile will be a visual record of faith that will be an inspiration to those members of Woodland Baptist Church who come after us.