Monday, December 11, 2006

What we're hoping to see this week . . .

Experts at blogging say you have to post at least 3-4 times per week to keep your audience interested and coming back. The problem has been that there hasn't been anything going on to photograph lately. Oh, there's been plenty going on. The Design Committee has been selected, permits have been applied for, talks with real estate agents and bankers - a lot of "behind the scenes" type stuff that is necessary and important, but doesn't make for much photographic interest. (Seen any permit photos lately? Boooring!) So, I've posted an artist's conception of what it should look like when the dump trucks finally start rolling in, hopefully sometime this week. Photos of the real thing should appear soon, I hope.

Meanwhile, keep praying for the Buildings & Grounds, and Design Committees, and for Woodland's pastors and deacons. They're working hard, and the photographic evidence should start appearing soon!


truegrit said...

Great conception of the dump truck. it seems that the devil is realy aimed his forces at the church. So all who read these blogs i call you to pray. you will be hearing more about a calling to prayer and praise soon.

photowannabe said...

The devil doesn't like church growth and will try to undermine any progress that's made. Hang in there. They're not your plans but the Lord's. He already knows the end result. Be vigilent in prayer too so you are armed to fight the battles before you.