Sunday, March 18, 2007

What a difference a month makes!

I made these photos yesterday afternoon. As you can see by comparing these to ones I made a month ago, mucho dirt has been moved to our new building site.

This manhole is about 12-14 feet deep. The bottom of it is where the old ground level was. I'm guessing that the orange line indicates where the finished ground level will be. Not much more to go!

This photo is looking down into the manhole. Although it's dark down there, you can just make out the end of a drainage pipe that was lying on top of the ground before any fill dirt was brought in (See February 8, 2007 post). Now it's waaaaaay down there.


truegrit said...

Thats alot of dirt. I think its something around 32000 cubic yards.

photowannabe said...

I'm so excited to see the progress on your church. Its going to be a wonderful site.