Friday, February 09, 2007

Church Building For Sale

Now that there is a "For Sale" sign in front of Woodland Baptist Church, I wonder what people are thinking when they see it? "Are they moving?" "Are they going out of business?" "Who would want to buy a church?" "I wonder how much a church goes for nowadays?" Who knows what they're thinking. I just know God has a buyer out there, because the Bible says He will provide for all our needs.

I've heard rumors that one inquirer just wants the property to build houses or apartments. I really don't care what the next owner does with it, but it would be nice if another church bought it to use as a church. Just in case the building is torn down by the next owner, I plan to make a series of documentary photos of the building and its interior to remember her by. There's a lot of memories in that building.


photowannabe said...

Yes God provides and is in control of the whole thing. I believe He has the right person already picked out.
We are claiming that promise for ourselves too. He has the right person for our house and a house for use when we move. The housing market is pretty soft now and we need to get the most bang for our buck to live on, but the Lord already knows that so its in His hands.

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.