Sunday, January 20, 2008

Church Building Distinctives

The steel framework of our new building got an addition this week that will make it look distinctively like a church. The tower-like structure that will eventually support the steeple has been erected. Steeples probably originated as ornate toppings to bell towers that became popular on church buildings in the 600's. Bell towers, inspired by military watchtowers, were used to announce worship times and advertise the location of the church. Today, steeples serve somewhat the same purpose since most people just naturally identify a building with a steeple as a church building.

Another structure added this week is the frame for the covered entrance. That's where us good husbands and fathers can drop off our wife and children under a protective covering in wet weather so they can stay warm and dry. Then we'll drive out to that expansive new parking lot, park the car, and walk back to the building in the cold and rain. Hey, wait a minute! Whose idea was that?

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