Sunday, December 16, 2007

Some Assembly Required

"Some Assembly Required" - the words that every Dad dreads reading on Christmas Eve when it's time to play Santa Claus. Tools scattered all over the living room, assembly instructions written by someone for whom English is a second language, diagrams that don't match the parts you're holding in your hands - we've all been there. The construction workers at our building site are facing a similar scene as the pieces of our new building begin to pile up as work continues on the foundation. Hopefully, when our builders are finished, they won't face the dilemma many of us face when we're finished on Christmas Eve: left over parts.

All the freight companies are learning the new address of Woodland Baptist Church. (Click on photo to enlarge.)

This pile of sheet metal will one day be Woodland's distinctive blue roof.

I hope these pieces are numbered better than the ones for the last bike I put together!

This doesn't look like a church building now, but it will soon!

1 comment:

Lilli & Nevada said...

Well this had me laughing. Cause i remember when my kids were little i bought so many toys that needed to be put together that we would be up all night, and the kids waking us up so early in the morning, while we just wanted to sleep.
Sure hope that all the parts and pieces come together. The roof will be a nice color.