Tuesday, November 14, 2006

What do you see?

To most folks driving up and down Crabtree Road, this driving range probably doesn't get much notice. It's been there long enough now that it's become just another part of the background as people head to wherever they're going.

The driving range will probably attract the attention of golfers for a moment. They might look to see how busy it is right now, make a mental note of when it's open, and think about how they need to get in some practice one of these days.

To those of us who attend Woodland Baptist Church, however, this driving range now has our attention every time we drive by. It's got our attention because we see something else there, something not everyone else can see, at least not yet.

Look closely at the photo. Can you see it? Can you see a large, new building filled with worshippers of the Lord Jesus Christ? Can you see the classrooms active with boys, girls, men, and women as they study the Scriptures, learning more about their faith, their God, and how to love and serve Him better? Can you see the fellowship hall filled with Christians enjoying a meal, and rejoicing in the fellowship they share in Jesus Christ? Can you see different groups meeting to plan strategies on how to share the love of God with Haywood county and the world through evangelism, and other ministry projects? If you look closely, all these things and more should be plainly visible. No, it's not trick photography, it's just learning to see with the eyes of faith.

Can you see it yet?

"We live by faith, not by sight" 2 Corinthians 5:7


truegrit said...

I see a place were the united in Christ serve with excitment, I see true worship taking place in the Life of the Beleivers. I see beleivers finding out who they are in Christ. I see a full baptistry, were children through adult make their faith public. I see a lighthouse, that represents the hope found only in Christ. I see the Body, Bride, and the Blessings of faith in Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior.

truegrit said...
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