Monday, March 31, 2008

Sign Of A Growing Church

Nathan Garrett's Ordination

Perhaps better than photos of a building under construction, the ordination of a young man being sent out to do ministry is evidence of a growing church. Pray for Nathan Garrett and his wife Nancy as they head to Montana to begin their new ministry there. (Click on photo to enlarge.)

Saturday, March 29, 2008

It's Getting Dark Inside

I didn't get to visit the building site last week, so this week's visit showed a lot of progress. All of the roof is completed now, which makes it a little dark inside for photos. More inner wall frames are up, making it easier to see the actual layout of classrooms, offices, the sanctuary, and the fellowship hall. It's really starting to look impressive in there!

The back wall of the sanctuary, showing the main entrance and hallway leading to church offices and classrooms.

The fellowship hall is completely encolsed by its wall frames. It's really big!

Boxes of the stone that will soon cover the front of the building are lined up out front awaiting the installers. The front windows are covered by the Tyvek paper right now, but that will be cut away later.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Public Service Announcement From The Editor

Do you see that "Next Blog" button in the blue banner above the words "Woodland Builds"? It has come to my attention that one of our viewers clicked it thinking it would take her to an earlier Woodland Builds post, or another Woodland church blog. Instead, after a few clicks she ended up at a XXX blog. Oooops!!!

The "Next Blog" button is designed by Blogger, the host site, to randomly take the viewer to another blog in the Blogger system. There are tens of thousands of blogs out there of varying content, including a few I'm sure you don't want to see. There's no way to predict or control which blog will come up next, and as can happen whenever one randomly surfs the web, one can end up anywhere. I experimented by clicking "Next Blog" continuously for about 15 minutes, viewed about 60 blogs, and didn't come across anything objectionable. However, I guess it's possible to hit an objectionable blog on the first click, so be warned. It's not a design feature of the Woodland Builds blog, and it certainly wasn't my intent to link anyone to a porn site. So unless you're the adventurous sort, DON'T CLICK THE "NEXT BLOG" BUTTON.

If you want to view previous posts of Woodland Builds, use the "Blog Archive" section on the right side of the page. This will keep you within the Woodland Builds blog where all the content is rated G, and everyone will remain properly attired. The Woodland Baptist Church website can be reached by clicking its link in the "Links" section, also located on the right side of the page. Last time I checked, everyone was clothed there also. As always, children should be properly supervised whenever they're online.

John Roberts
Woodland Builds Editor

Monday, March 17, 2008

Closing In

Progress on the roof and outer walls continued this week, along with more work on interior wall frames. The steeple tower got its roof, and the roof on the right side of the building continues to inch toward the front. Soon, the building will be completely closed in.

Beginnings of the rear wall of the sanctuary, showing what will be the main entrance.

Steeple tower with new roof and siding.

The fellowship hall is almost completely closed in now.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Getting Wired

From the outside, it doesn't look like too much got done at the new building site this past week. A little more of the roof is up. Some more siding has been added to the back wall. Wall studs are being added to the steeple structure. Inside, however, some interesting things are going on. Electrical wiring is being run throughout the building. Outlets are appearing in each of the classrooms and offices. That will be a huge improvement over the education building we're in now: adequate outlets and power. It will be nice to be able to turn on a heater without shutting off the lights in the entire building!

The back wall of the building is almost complete, and the back wall of the sanctuary is starting to take shape.

Our building after the first week in March. Those skies give an indication of what March weather in the mountains can be like! Pray that construction can continue on schedule.

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Fighting The Weather

View showing roof and back wall progress.

As can be expected this time of year, the ever-changing winter weather seemed to be impeding progress a little bit this week. Work continued on completing the roof, and closing in the back wall reached the half-way point. (Click on photos to enlarge.) Other than that, not much looked different from last week. Don't fear, however - the crocuses and daffodils are popping up, so Spring and better weather are on the way!

View of the back wall of the building.